The inspiration for “Senior Empowerment” emerged from a long journey, as I (Michael Baker) sought to provide in-home services for my Father, Great Aunt, and Mother. At ground level, I inquired, researched, and questioned the practices regarding the “availability and quality”, of in-home services. Finally, I had established a system that maintained the quality of life our loved ones had grown accustomed to. The home became the home.
As I progress in my senior years, the ability to govern the day-to-day with efficiency, dignity, and grace can sometimes be a tall order. Just as I was able to accomplish success with my Father and Aunt, I was able to perfect and update as times and policy changed for my Mom. So, now with the same heart-felt intent, Senior Empowerment reaches out to the elderly community at large, including those with disabilities and those of low income. Senior Empowerment, case by case, family by family, is empowering the senior experience; as we all deserve.